CLICK HERE for our. Swarm Form to have an available beekeeper contact you.
Swarms happen when honeybees are franchising their operations… making another hive nearby. An existing colony makes a new queen and half the colony stays home to continue operations, while the old queen and thousands of bees take flight to establish a new home. Often they stop along the way and cluster in a group while “realtor” bees go scouting for a suitable new cavity to establish. This is called swarming and it is kinda like the bee hive had a baby. This cluster may seem frightening but it is not as dangerous as one might think. STILL, don’t go poking at it… contact us to help.
Typically the bees are gentle, they have no hive to defend and their queen is with them. Please don’t spray chemicals or try to destroy the bees use our SWARM FORM . . .and we’ll have a beekeeper “come and capture the swarm.”